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Professionally Created Live Streams

High quality live streaming and promotional videos for your college, high school or business.


Short Film “Forgotten”

Written/Directed by Juliet Lucas

Cinematography by Chandler Kilby

“Menjadi” Documentary

Directed by Aaron Margosian

Cinematography by Tara Cormier

Produced and AC by Chandler Kilby

Short Film “Cruel Joke”

Directed by Owen Fisher

Cinematography by Chandler Kilby


Red Flags

A film by Chandler Kilby

“The Kiss”

Directed by Juliet Lucas

Cinematography by Chandler Kilby

Kat Van Morgan Band Music Video

Director and D.P. - Chandler Kilby


About Chandler Kilby

Creating Cattaneo Films in 2018 and launching dozens of client projects from multiple industries (private artists, wedding & event videos, private business promotional videos, private film and music video projects), Chandler continues his passion for film and storytelling in Los Angeles, CA. Chandler is currently an honors-level BIOLA University Alum. He graduated with a BS in Cinema and Media Arts (Cinematography emphasis) in May 2023.

Chandler has film making experience across the United States and internationally including his work on both coasts of the US, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Mexico. His partner base includes film making for brands known across the globe.